Datenschutz Bestimmungen
Privacy Policy

Date of entry into force: Friday 25 May 2018

1- General information
2- What „Personal Data“ does collect?
3- Why does store Personal Data?
4- How does process „Personal Data“?
5- do you share „Personal Data“?
7- International transfers
8- What use does cookies and tracking technologies?
9- Which privacy options are available to the User?
10- What are your rights?
11- How can protects the „Personal Data“ of the User
12- Can children use services?
13- What else is there to know?
14- Contact
15- Definitions

1. Introduction has prepared this Privacy Policy to illustrate how the User’s Personal Data is collected, stored, processed, shared and transferred when it visits the Sites or uses the Services. This Privacy Statement applies to the User’s Personal Data when the User visits the Sites or uses the Services, but does not apply to websites or online services that are not owned by or that are not controlled by, including the sites and services of other Users

For the avoidance of doubt, it should be noted that this Privacy Policy does not constitute a „framework contract“ for the purposes of the EU Payment Services Directive (2007/64 / EC) or the implementation of this Directive in the European Economic Area. .

The Privacy Policy is designed to help the User obtain information on the privacy practices of and to illustrate to the User the privacy options available to him when using the Sites and Services.

For some of the terms used in the Privacy Notice a definition is provided. The meaning of the terms with initial capitalization is shown in the Definitions section.

The user can contact us for questions regarding the privacy policies of not covered in this Privacy Notice.

2. What Personal Data does collect? collects the personal data of the User when visiting the Website or using the Services, including:

Sending or requesting information: when the user provides information through the Services, collects Personal data such as the name, address, telephone number and details of the participant’s account that send money. The necessary amount of Personal Data on a participant may vary depending on the services requested.

3. Why store personal data? Personal data in real time to fulfill legal or regulatory obligations and for their business purposes. Personal data by number of votes required by law, if it is in its own legitimate interest and if it is not prohibited by law. If the User’s account is closed, Personal data and other information, but reserves the right to store data and access it for as long as necessary. edited and disclosed such data in accordance with this privacy statement.

Cookies have defined deadlines; unless the user visits our Sites or uses our services in real time, cookies are disabled and the stored data will be deleted.

4. How does do you process personal data? Personal data of the User for a series of data justified under the data protection legislation in the European Economic Area (EEA) and in Switzerland.

To use the Sites and provide the Services, including:
start a payment, send money, pay an invoice
authenticate access to the User to an Account
communicate with the user about Accounts, Sites, Services or
create a link between the User Account and a third party platform
perform solvency checks and other financial checks, evaluate data and verify data to verify accuracy
To manage risks and Web sites, services and users from fraud, verifying the identity of the User and helping to consider fraud and abuse of the Sites or Services.
To comply with the obligations of the terms of the websites and services, as well as to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
For the legitimate interests of, Including:
enforce the terms of the sites and services .;
manage daily business needs, such as monitoring and analysis; is
With the consent of the User, also for:
market products to the User, provide marketing materials on online products and services. and on products and services of independent companies. it could also work based on measurement, so that they even more coincide with those that he believes are the interests of the User.
Provide personalized services offered by on third-party websites and third-party online services. Privacy Policy to provide the user with a visualization, to target third-party sites. To provide these online services, may use cookies and other tracking technologies and / or collaborate with third parties, for example with advertising or analysis companies.
providing the User with options, offers or information for a given location, the user accepts geolocation information through the Services. Data is available based on location, such as advertising, search search, and other customized content.
To respond to requests, for example, to contact you about a question sent to the customer support team.

The user can revoke the consent free of charge at any time. For more information on how to proceed, contact us by email at

5. do you share Personal Data? non-conductive with personal data or other user information.

7. International transfers

The operations. they are supported by a network of computers, cloud servers and other infrastructure and data technologies, including others from third-party providers.

The parties indicate above may be located in jurisdictions other than those of the User and outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland. These countries are not always a level of equivalent privacy protection. has taken specific measures to protect personal data. In particular, for transfers of „Personal Data“ within companies linked to, it relies on the „binding corporate regulations“ approved by the supervisory authorities. .

If you are dealing with third parties outside the European Economic Area or Switzerland, this is Service. a platform, such as social media, outside the European economic area of ??Switzerland, Personal data of the User to these third parties in order to provide the User with the requested Service.

8. What use does cookies and tracking technologies?

When the user visits a site, use the Services. or visit a third-party site to which provide online services,, its commercial partners and its sellers may use cookies and other tracking technologies (collectively, „Cookies“) to recognize their users and to personalize the User’s online experience, the Services used by ‚User and other online content and advertising, to check the effectiveness of promotions and to perform analyzes and to reduce risks, to prevent risks and trust and security towards the Sites and Services. Some aspects and activities of the Sites and Services. they are only available through cookies, as if the user decides to limit or refuse cookies, the use of sites and services.

Do not Track (DNT) is an optional browser setting that allows the User to set their own preferences for tracking advertisers and other third parties. DNT not of iron to the signals.

9. Which privacy options are available to the User?

Regarding the privacy procedures and communications in this Privacy Policy, the user can make choices. Many of the User’s choices may be explained when the User registers or uses a Service or Website to use a Site. The user can receive instructions and requests while browsing the Services.

Personal Data Options collected by
Personal data. The user can refuse to provide the data requested by
Information and other information at the device level. The services are available on the User, which has information on the User’s headquarters, which can then collect and use. For information on the possibility of restricting the collection and use of this information, the settings available on the device can be used.
Options related to personal data by
Online tracking and personalized advertising. collaboration with partners and third party service providers for proposal to the User advertising through advertising cookies and web beacons. The user can choose not to receive advertising cookies and web beacons of third parties, in which case the advertising of it should not be aimed at the user. The user can view advertising. on third-party sites.
Choice related to cookies
Pot options will be available to manage your cookie preferences. For example, the browser or device can be considered as a cookie or other tracking technologies. For more information, see the website. The user can also choose to enable the options available for a Service or Site.
The option of cookies or other information on how to use a service or visit a part of a Site may be available. For example, you may be asked if the Service or the Site store some information about it; if so, will use cookies or other tracking technologies to the extent permitted by the user.
Options related to User registration and account data
If you do not have an account or if you have questions about data or other Personal Data, you can contact
Communication options
Communications, alerts and updates from
Information and more: the User registered by All users who use the important information and other communications requested by the User himself at The user can not request not to receive such communications. However, it can change the medium and the format with which they receive these communications.

10. What are the rights of the User?

Subject to the limitations established by the laws of the European Economic Area, the User has certain rights in relation to his Personal Data. In particular, the User has the right to access, rectify, limit, oppose, delete and transfer data. To exercise these rights, the User can contact If the User wishes to send a request for access to all personal data that has on him, will have to keep in mind that ID is required.

If you have an Account for any of the Services, you can generally review and modify your Account Personal Data by accessing and updating information directly.

11. How does protect the User’s Personal Data? adopts technical, physical and administrative security measures designed to ensure adequate protection of the User’s Personal Data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration. These security measures include firewalls, data encryption, controls on physical access to data centers and access rights to information. Although does all it can to protect its systems and Services, the User is responsible for ensuring and maintaining the confidentiality of their password and account registration / profile data and to verify that the Personal Data that owns on the User itself are correct and current. is not responsible for the protection of personal data shared with third parties following a connection to the account authorized by the User.

12. Can children use services?

The Sites and Services are not intended for minors. We do not knowingly collect data, including Personal Data, about children or other individuals who are not legally eligible to use our Sites and Services. If we learn that we have collected the personal data of a minor, we will immediately delete them, unless we are obliged by law to keep such data. The User is requested to contact us if he / she believes that erroneously or unintentionally collected information about a minor.

13. What else is there to know?

Changes to this Privacy Notice. review this privacy statement from time to time to adapt it to your actions, sites or services and applicable laws. The Privacy Policy will become effective on the basis of published entry data.

If the version includes include a substantial change, a one day of 30 days, on In addition, can inform users of the change via email or other tool.

14. contact

You can contact if you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy and additional notices or the way in which manages personal data. You want users‘ questions to be directed to the right department:

For questions about data

If the user is not satisfied with the way in which for his concerns, he has a right to complain to the data protection authorities of his country.

The Data Protection Manager can be reached at Baita Rin da Borch – Via Saroch, 1436 – 2341 Livigno (SO) – – Tel./Fax 0039.0342.997433 – Cell. 0039.338.84.51.738 – C.F.: BRMMRC56S09E621A

15. Definizioni

Account: un account Utente

Dati del dispositivo: dati che possono essere raccolti automaticamente da qualsiasi dispositivo utilizzato per accedere al Sito o ai Servizi. Tali informazioni possono includere, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, il tipo di dispositivo; le connessioni del dispositivo; il nome del dispositivo; l’indirizzo IP del dispositivo; le informazioni sul browser Web e la connessione Inter che il dispositivo usa per accedere al Sito e ai Servizi; le informazioni di geolocalizzazione; le informazioni sulle app scaricate sul dispositivo e i dati biometrici (ad es. Touch ID/impronta digitale per verificare l’identità dell’Utente).

Dati di Geolocalizzazione: sono i dati che indicano, con ragionevole specificità, la posizione dell’Utente mediante, ad esempio, le coordinate di latitudine e longitudine ottenute tramite la triangolazione del sito del GPS o del Wi-Fi del cellulare.

Transazione come Utente non registrato: si intende l’Uso dei Servizi senza l’accesso e/o la creazione di un Account. : indica Baita Rin da Borch – Via Saroch, 1436 – 2341 Livigno (SO) – – Tel./Fax 0039.0342.997433 – Cell. 0039.338.84.51.738 – C.F.: BRMMRC56S09E621A e le società affiliate o consociate. Nella presente Informativa sulla Privacy, viene talvolta indicata come „noi“, „a noi“ o „nostro“, a seconda del contesto.

Dati personali: informazioni che possono essere associate a una persona fisica identificata o direttamente o indirettamente identificabile. I „Dati personali“ possono includere, a titolo esemplificativo ma non esaustivo, il nome, l’indirizzo postale (inclusi gli indirizzi di fatturazione e spedizione), il numero di telefono, l’indirizzo email, il numero di carta di credito o di debito, altri dati finanziari sul conto, la data di nascita e le credenziali rilasciate dalle autorità (ad es. numero della patente, codice fiscale, numero della carta di identità, numero del passaporto).

Procedura : qualsiasi metodo o procedimento adottato da per gestire i Dati personali o i set di Dati personali, con o senza l’ausilio di processi automatizzati, quali la raccolta, la registrazione, l’organizzazione, la strutturazione, la conservazione, l’elaborazione o la modifica, l’estrazione e la consultazione, la divulgazione mediante trasmissione, diffusione o qualsiasi altra forma di messa a disposizione, il raffronto o l’interconnessione, la restrizione, la cancellazione o la distruzione dei „Dati personali“.

Servizi: qualsiasi prodotto, servizio, contenuto, caratteristica, tecnologia o funzione e tutti i relativi siti, applicazioni e servizi offerti da con un Account o una Transazione come Utente non registrato.

Siti : i siti Web, le app per dispositivi mobili, le piattaforme di social media ufficiali o altre proprietà online tramite le quali offre i Servizi e sui quali ha pubblicato la presente Informativa sulla Privacy o il collegamento alla stessa.

Datitecnici di utilizzo: i dati raccolti dal telefono, dal computer o da altri dispositivi utilizzati dall’Utente per accedere ai Siti o ai Servizi. I Dati tecnici di utilizzo mostrano in che modo l’Utente usa i Siti e i Servizi, ad esempio quello che ha cercato e visualizzato sui Siti e il modo in cui usa i nostri Servizi, compreso l’indirizzo IP, i dati statistici sulle modalità di caricamento o visualizzazione delle pagine, i siti Web visitati prima di visitare i nostri Siti e altri dati relativi a utilizzo e navigazione raccolti tramite i Cookie.

Utente: una persona fisica che utilizza i Servizi o accede ai Siti e che ha stabilito una relazione con o che utilizza i Servizi in qualità di acquirente, incluse le Transazioni come utente non registrato.

© 2019